Previous incidents
Incident with GitHub Actions
Resolved Jul 31 at 11:21am CEST
The incident has been resolved.
1 previous update
Incident with BuildJet for GitHub Actions
Resolved Jul 26 at 08:24pm CEST
The incident has been resolved.
1 previous update
Incident with GitHub Actions
Resolved Jul 17 at 07:11pm CEST
The incident has been resolved by GitHub.
1 previous update
Incident with GitHub Actions
Resolved Jul 05 at 10:59pm CEST
The incident has been resolved by GitHub.
2 previous updates
Incident with GitHub Actions
Resolved Jun 28 at 10:01pm CEST
The incident has been resolved by GitHub.
1 previous update
Incident with BuildJet for GitHub Actions
Resolved Jun 14 at 12:14am CEST
The ARM runner issues are now resolved.
2 previous updates
Incident with GitHub Actions
Resolved Jun 11 at 11:47pm CEST
The incident has been resolved by GitHub.
1 previous update
Incident with GitHub Actions
Resolved May 21 at 08:17pm CEST
The incident has been resolved by GitHub.
1 previous update
Incident with GitHub Actions
Resolved May 13 at 10:26pm CEST
The incident has been resolved by GitHub. However we are seeing occasion which GitHub Actions' UI doesn't reflect latest workflow status. If you still encounter issues with workflows during this incident, please try rerunning the workflow.
2 previous updates
Incident with BuildJet for GitHub Actions
Resolved May 03 at 10:07pm CEST
GitHub engineers just confirmed they identified the issue with ephemeral runners and deployed a fix.
It worked, and we're now seeing normal job assignment duration in our end.
2 previous updates